Finally I got to meet the 2 bros 💙


Finally, I had the opportunity to meet the two carnalitos 💙

The mentioned article seems to be emphasizing the author's excitement and joy regarding finally getting to meet two individuals referred to as "carnales" in Spanish. The word "carnal" is often used in Mexican slang to refer to friends, buddies, or close companions. The author expresses their enthusiasm by using the phrase "se me hizo," which can be loosely translated as "it finally happened for me" or "I finally managed to."

The term "carnales" in the article could be interpreted as a way to highlight a strong bond and camaraderie between the author and these two individuals.


It suggests that these people have a deep and meaningful connection, almost like "soul brothers" or "ride or die" partners.

The author conveys their excitement and happiness about the encounter, most likely because meeting these two carnalitos has been a long-awaited event. The use of the word "finally" indicates a sense of anticipation and longing that has been fulfilled.

The unknown carnales seem to be of significant importance to the author, considering the affectionate reference to them in their heart emoji. The blue heart emoji, often associated with trust, loyalty, and friendship, enhances the portrayal of a close bond between the author and the carnales.


Although the article does not provide any specific details about who these carnales are or why this meeting is so important, it clearly conveys the significance and joy associated with the event. The author's excitement suggests that this encounter holds a special place in their heart.

In conclusion, the article expresses the author's long-awaited excitement and happiness about finally getting the chance to meet two individuals referred to as carnales. The use of the term carnales implies a close bond and camaraderie. The author's enthusiasm highlights the significance and joy associated with this meeting, emphasizing the strong connection between the author and the carnales.